

来源:东奥会计在线责编:孙茜2021-10-11 10:29:20




Tests of controls 控制测试


Tests of controls 控制测试

Tests of controls 控制测试

· Each major component of a typical accounting system should have control objectives and control procedures.

· The auditor can then perform tests of control to ensure the controls are working.

· AA will examine control objectives, control procedures, control activities, key controls and tests of controls in relation to: ① The sales system; ② The purchase system; ③ The inventory system; ④ The cash system; ⑤ The payroll system; ⑥ Non-current assets.

Basic concepts

· Control objectives: what objectives are the internal controls seeking to achieve.

· Control procedures: the procedures that should be in place to ensure that the control objectives are achieved.

· The control activities: all policies and procedures designed to ensure that management directives are carried out throughout the organization.

· Tests of control: audit procedures designed and performed to evaluate the operating effectiveness of controls in preventing, detecting or correcting material misstatements in an assertion.

· Auditors must establish what the accounting system and the system of internal control consist of.

· Auditors then decide:

Which controls, if any, they wish to rely on.

Plan TOC to obtain the audit evidence as to whether such reliance can be warranted.



